Meghan is a Theatre Maker and Director from Newcastle. She is Co-Artistic Director of The Letter Room - a national touring theatre company of actor musicians creating new musicals. She is also a performer and singer-songwriter. She has worked with companies such as the RSC, Royal Court, National Youth Theatre, The Lowry, Live Theatre and Northern Stage.
Meghan was the Bryan Forbes Assistant Director for the National Youth Theatre’s REP company and recipient of the RTYDS 3-month placement for early career directors from backgrounds currently under-represented in theatre.
Meghan on her time with Wise Children:
The support myself and my theatre company, The Letter Room, have received from Emma and the rest of the team at Wise Children has been totally invaluable. It came at the perfect stage for us as we try to navigate going from small scale to mid-scale work, a transition I know a lot of companies can struggle with as there isn’t really that support out there. To be able to learn and build a relationship with a director and company who have been such a monumental inspiration to us is a rare opportunity and we can already see a huge difference in our thinking of how we lay foundations for a sustainable, fruitful and, above all, happy future as a company.